Archives for category: Uncategorized

Lemmy lo res

Nik Kershaw

Again, commissioned to do an illustration of Nik Kershaw – I should have based it on an era when he had less stubble – would have taken half the time…

Anniversary print for a Cliff fan..

I was commissioned to do this by a chap who’s partner is a massive Cliff Richard fan. I based it on a sixties pop magazine cover and tweaked the wording and graphics accordingly.

Charlie Harper with his portrait

Charlie bought one of my snotfineart prints at The Rebellion Festival!

Justin Sullivan

Haven’t posted for a while as I’m preparing for exhibiting at Rebellion Festival. But thought I’d just give you a taster of one of the new limited editions.

Don't turn your nose up at these!

My good friend and creative cohort, Justin from Saraundo created these brilliant limited edition tissue packs of some of my snotfineart work.

Happy Spanielversary

Taking a break from punky portraits, I did this for my folks’ Wedding Anniversary. Hopefully caught Sorrel’s ‘give me your food, I’m feeling sorry for myself look….’

Haven’t posted any new portraits for a while as I’m working on some I want to reveal at the punk rock festival Rebellion in August. However, I have started an online shop for the limited edition prints:


Cheers for looking!!!

The Shend

A combination of a pic I took at a Cravats gig and then ‘borrowed’ the style from John Carpenter’s The Thing poster.


This is the first of a new set I’m doing on Birmingham heroes. In my humble opinion, the West Midlands doesn’t shout out enough about its musical heritage…

To celebrate the release of the album “13”, this portrait will be produced as a limited edition of only 13 A4 colour prints. Each print will have a different colour background and, therefore a one-off in its own right. I will be sellin these at £60 each unframed on archive matt heavyweight stock. Please get in touch if you fancy one!